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Waking up from bed always proves a difficult task for some individuals. However with a wake up alarm right just by your bedside, getting out from should be a less stressing experience. With the dynamic change in technology and most mobile phones devices having almost all applications ranging from socializing to alarms, dedicated wake up alarms are quickly being faced out despite their numerous advantages. The following are some of the reasons why you need to consider a dedicated wake up alarm over your smartphone for your wake up alarm.


Harmless to your eyesight

Medically, it is recommended that before that you spend a full hour screen free before going to sleep. This is important since the glow is tough and affects your eyes therefore causing complications that might in the long run cause damages to your eyes. With the use of a dedicated wake up alarm clock such complications are avoided since it does not produce any light that might harm your eyes.


Encourages you to get out of bed faster

When using a smartphone as an alarm most individuals after turning of the alarm start browsing or doing other things rather than getting out of bed. With a dedicated wake up alarm such complications are not experienced since primarily the sunrise alarm clock is made for one purpose and that is alarming. As a result of this you are able to save more time from using a dedicated wake up alarm as opposed to phone alarms.


No sleep time interferences

Dedicated wake up alarms as their name suggest are dedicated on their sole purpose of waking you at a certain time according to how you've set the time. This is an important factor that should get everybody using their phones for their alarms to try out. Unlike with phones that phone calls might disturb one from a deep night's sleep, with a dedicated wake up alarm you are assured of an alarm ring the next morning or time you set it up to ring.


Easy to operate

Dedicated lumiebodyclock starter 30 are easy to operate and can be used with anybody regardless of their skills. Unlike phone alarms that will require your little knowledge about how to operate the specific phone, a dedicated alarm clock has two to three buttons that will let you reset your alarm and adjust according to your choice of time.


Next time you are considering which type of alarm to use take a look at this tips as they will help you settle for a dedicated wake up alarm.

Why You Need a Dedicated Wake up Alarm

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